
What is On-Page SEO? Guide to optimizing Onpage SEO in 2023

What is On-Page SEO? Guide to optimizing Onpage SEO in 2022

Whether you’ve been doing SEO for a long time or are a beginner, this job always needs thoroughness and curiosity. Because, Google’s ranking algorithms are always updating, and constantly upgrading. Are you still wondering: “ What is Onpage SEO ? Onpage SEO optimization standards in 2023”, read on and I will have the answer for you.

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO is the work to be done to optimize the display elements right on the website. The goal of this is to help the web improve its search engine rankings. From there, the website attracts more traffic and has more opportunities to reach potential customers.

Why optimize Onpage SEO for articles?

For the Google search engine

Optimizing Onpage SEO with the search engine so that “Google Bot” understands and quickly collects information on the website. Because only standard SEO articles are not enough, you need to implement techniques to standard Onpage SEO articles and incorporate some Off-page techniques.

For users

Onpage SEO optimization makes the website more user-friendly. From there, through the evaluation, you will control the content and help the article to be more optimized.

All purposes of Onpage SEO optimization for Google to evaluate prestige and quality. The optimal for users is to enhance the user experience. In addition to creating conversions, attracting users to visit the website is a very important factor when doing SEO.

What does onpage SEO include?

Below is On-Page SEO Checklist:

Optimizing URLs in Onpage SEO

Onpage SEO optimization helps the shorter the URL, the higher the website’s ability to rank higher. Put your highest search volume keyword in the URL. To standard SEO Onpage URL needs 2 factors:

  • The URL is related to the article and contains the main keyword.
  • Short and to the point (usually the average URL is between 55-60 words).

Title tag optimization 

After returning search results, the first thing that attracts users to click is the Title. In addition, the title optimization helps the tool crawl the data faster and more accurately. In the past, the trick of adding keywords to the title was used by many people to have more opportunities to increase rankings. However, after recent updates, this trick no longer works.

Some notes when optimizing titles are as follows:

  • Each title is separated by a – or l.
  • The title should contain the keywords with the second-highest search volume (the highest search volume should be in the URL).
  • Don’t let the title and URL be exactly the same.
  • SEO keywords in the first position are often prioritized to increase CTR and ranking.
  • Title should contain enough keywords, it is important to be coherent, natural, not forced, keyword stuffing.

In addition, if you want to optimize the homepage, you need to add the brand name in the title. In addition, the title needs to represent or at least be relevant to the content of the domain name.

Heading tag optimization

For the Heading 1 tag in Onpage SEO optimization, you need to do the following tasks:

  • Heading 1 needs to contain important SEO-related keywords, so it should be at level 3. (after the URL and the Title tag).
  • Heading 1 needs to include the content of the article (sometimes it is possible to get H1 with the same Title).
  • An article has only one H1 tag.
  • The H1 should be a different LSI keyword than the URL. (LSI keywords are keywords that are closely related to the semantics of the main keyword in the topic.)

For example: If the main keyword is “yacht”, “bathing”, then the LSI keyword could be “Miami beach”, “Florida”,…

Regarding the H2 and H3 tags, you need to note the following additional information:

  • Briefly describe, and express the content of the paragraph below.
  • Implement multiple subheadings to clarify meaning.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing, and focus on content.

Alt tag optimization

Optimizing images is a very important job that many SEO Experts ignore. In the SEO article, the Google bot recognizes text content very quickly. However, the content of the image is not recognizable. Therefore, to optimize the Atl tag, you need to do the following steps:

  • Name the image description that needs to be unsigned and with a – between words.
  • Optimize descriptions for images.

In addition, if you want to optimize more deeply, you can SEO both images to the top of search engines.

Bold tags optimization

Bold tags help emphasize the article content. Optimizing these tags makes it easier for the Google Bot to identify the topic of the article without spending a lot of time checking the classification.

Internal linking optimization

Internal linking is a very important element in building navigation topology on the web. Optimizing the Internal links helps the articles to navigate to each other are related to the content or topic. From there, readers have complete information quickly. On the other hand, this is one of the factors that Google appreciates your web.

Content optimization

  • TOC optimization: Every book has a table of contents. Optimizing TOC as helping to make the article table of contents, the table of contents of the whole website scientific, easy to search, convenient in the user search process.
  • Optimizing article length: SEO articles on the main web up to 1300-1800 words in length are appropriate. Besides, if it is in-depth analysis articles, from 2000-3000 is a very attractive length for readers.
  • Content optimization: To optimize content, you first need to ensure the meaning and message of the article. Although keywords are important, however technical are nonetheless, the main purpose of the article is to be User-centered. Therefore, they need to be useful and systematic. Besides, you need to build attractive content, and unique and new ways of transmission, so that users will visit your website more regularly.

Advanced Onpage optimization standards in 2023

Optimize meta description

Meta description is a short description (120-150 words) that shows up in a user’s search results. This paragraph provides a summary of what the user is searching for. The way to insert keywords into this section is no longer effective. You need to optimize to increase the CTR rate through short, suggestive, attractive sentences. From there, stimulate readers to click to learn.

Optimizing readability

Readability is the ability of users to gather information through your articles. Therefore, to make SEO standard articles and provide the most concise and easy-to-understand information. Here are the 4 most important factors affecting “Readability”:

  • Exit rate.
  • Reading time.
  • Conversion rate.
  • Feature Snippets: This is a method that very few SEOers know and apply to their website. This code will give you a chance to be top 0.

Optimize content depth

For intensive optimization of content, it is very important that Headings show alignment and consistency. Example of an article about neck and shoulder pain:

  • What is neck pain?
  • Symptoms of shoulder pain.
  • Causes of shoulder pain.
  • How to treat neck pain.
  • Things to note about life and diet.
  • ….

In-depth articles are highly appreciated by Google and trusted by users.

Feature Snippet

Feature Snippet is a very important factor that affects and helps the web to reach the top 0. The main factors affecting this position include:

  • The website has a certain reputation in the set of keywords

The websites that have the top 0 ranking come from the highly trusted websites of Google. Therefore, it is very important to create topics of relevant articles, to create trust and credibility. This greatly determines the chance to get to the top 0 of the top websites of Google.

  • Information needs to be accurate

A website that needs to have the top positions always needs to ensure its information. Once on the top, to get to the top 0 still needs a process. Not only does your content need to be engaging and useful, but the Google bot also compares your website’s information with the official websites to see matches and ratings. In order for Google to easily understand this information, you need to optimize Readability

  • Optimizing Readability

To optimize Readability, you first need to learn about Yoast SEO. You need to install Yoast SEO and enable Readability and follow the instructions. Besides, to make the web attractive, you also need to create more videos, design photos, .. to help the article come to life and increase interaction. The basic standards when inserting videos are:

  • There are demonstration videos in the main SEO URLs.
  • WIdth has 600 pixels.
  • Videos and photos are aligned in the center of the post.

Internal link and Outbound link

The most complete article needs a combination of both Internal link and Outbound link.

Internal links will help Google collect information faster and easier for users to navigate. Besides, they help articles to link information together.

Outbound links are links outside of your website. It’s not just a relationship with websites, it’s also a way for Google to better understand the content on your web. In addition, these external links also create many times more trust.

Pro tip: You can use our free links extractor tool to extract and check all the links on your webpage URL and ensure that your internal and outbound links are set up correctly..

Improve page loading speed

Page loading speed is one of the determining factors in whether users read your web content or not. To test the page loading speed, you can try many ways. You can directly use the Google PageSpeed ​​Insights tool to check and follow the recommendations given to improve your web speed such as:

  • Use file compression software to reduce the size of CSS, HTML, etc. over 150 bytes.
  • Use Photoshop software to avoid blurring or breaking the image.
  • Optimize code (remove redundant characters, redundant code, semicolons, ..).
  • Minimize web redirects.
  • Minimize image size.

Mobile-friendly Website

User experience on mobile is more and more concerned by Google. Therefore, mobile-friendly web design has become one of the web ranking factors. Besides, you should optimize a few more issues below to ensure the best visibility:

  • Implement AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages): Installing AMP (optimize page load speed) is one of the factors that help your website have the fastest loading speed. Besides, your factors and competitors are equal when you have AMP they will help you to rank higher.
  • Remove display form registration form: Optimizing the interface, the dynamic registration form will be very annoying for users on the website. Therefore, you should leave the form in the appropriate locations and limit placing too many on your website.

301 Redirect

301 Redirect is a very effective way for you to shorten URLs. However, a small note, when your article reaches the top 3, you should not edit the URL anymore. Because at this time, if you edit your website, you will encounter many problems and affect the web structure.

Website age

Web age is a factor that cannot be optimized. However, you can add new information, refresh, and create more attractive, more engaging content types.

Social signal

The fact that users share web articles on social networks is a factor highly appreciated by Google. Therefore, you should take advantage and create useful and quality content so that users are willing to share your articles on social networking sites.

404 and HTTPS 

With the continuous development of technology, information security is extremely important. Therefore, Google will have a great preference for good rankings and reviews for websites with HTTPS.

Above is the summary and sharing of One Pixel Media about Onpage SEO, hope that through this article, you can better optimize and limit errors for your website.

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